A Comprehensive Guide to 4K Projectors

4K vs. 1080p Projector: Which is the better option for you?

When it comes to entertainment, the diversity of projectors in the marketplace could make you feel overwhelmed. Choosing one item out of the sea of projectors seems like an impossible thing to do: you need to do a lot of research beforehand, make a list of all the things you’re looking for in your new unit, and the list may go on. And, at the end of the day, all these things are perfectly normal.

When it comes to entertainment, the diversity of projectors in the marketplace could make you feel overwhelmed. Choosing one item out of the sea of projectors seems like an impossible thing to do: you need to do a lot of research beforehand, make a list of all the things you’re looking for in your new unit, and the list may go on. And, at the end of the day, all these things are perfectly normal.


Obviously, the resolution of your projector is one of the most important characteristics that you should take into consideration. To start with, the resolution makes reference to the number of pixels creating an image on a TV, or, in our case, a projector.

Most people already know that 1080p stands for high definition video quality. To that end, they associate 1080p with a high level of clarity. So, when it comes to 1080p projectors, you might consider that such an investment is definitely worthwhile. But is this really so?

In this view, we’d like to point out that 4K technology is gaining more attention at the moment. And this shouldn’t surprise you, as 4K technology is quite surprising, so to speak. To that end, can you tell the difference between the two, in regard to resolution? Let’s see.

The resolution is a priority for most video enthusiasts that are eager to purchase the best equipment on the marketplace.

If 1080p is known as high definition, then 4K is referred to as ultra-high definition. So, by simply assessing their names, you can guess that there is a significant difference between the two. Hence, 4k resolution is actually 3840 x 2160, whereas 1080p comprises of 1920 x 1080 pixels. 

The reason why we call it 4k resolution is because it comes really close to 4000 horizontal pixels. In a traditional sense, the resolution is established depending on the number of vertical pixels. So, in the case of 1080p, there are merely 1080 vertical lines that comprise the high definition resolution. On the other hand, 4k incorporates 2160 pixels vertically. As you can see, there is a noteworthy increase.

So, in comparison with 1080p technology, 4k features almost four times the number of pixels on a screen. The difference is massive, which is why the evident winner when it comes to resolution is the 4k projector.

Graphic Detail

Furthermore, the level of detail is also extremely important for each video enthusiast. You agree with us, don’t you? In this respect, the level of detail produced by both types of devices is rather different. While in the case of 1080p, the quality of the image remains basically unchanged regardless of the viewing distance, when it comes to 4k projectors, things are different.

To that end, you can’t notice all the detail that comes with 4k devices if you don’t position yourself accordingly. In other words, if you sit too far from the screen, then you will realize that the quality of the image isn’t distinguishable.

Note that these details are often overlooked by salespersons. So, factor this in before you make a decision. Make sure you consider the size of the room in which you’ll install the projector, as well as other important details that will affect the overall viewing experience.


Is there anything different about the installation process of a 4k projector and a 1080p projector? In this respect, there is no notable distinction between the two types of devices, aside from the fact that you have to consider the viewing distance.

Contrast Ratio

You might be tempted to think that a 4k device is superior to a 1080p device when it comes to basically anything. But this isn’t necessarily true. It really pays off to analyze the individual characteristics of the product you intend to purchase. To that end, in some departments, a 1080p projector might offer better overall performance than a 4k projector, due to all the fine details that actually make a product worth the investment.

Hence, we find the contrast ratio to be as important as the resolution. Some people might consider it even more important; that’s because if the contrast ratio of a 4k device is mediocre, the overall image quality of a 1080p device will be higher, granted that the contrast ratio is better – food for the thought.

To that end, if the contrast ratio is poor, you might find it difficult to notice the distinction in resolution. Hence, make sure you don’t base your shopping decision entirely on the resolution, as you might be disappointed.

With that being said, make sure you look at the specific contrast ratio of the device, whether it is 4k or 1080p, to assess if the contrast is decent or not.

Viewing Angle

To continue, due to the significant increase in resolution 4k devices have in comparison with 1080p, the viewing angle is different, as you might expect. So, if you enjoy watching movies or gaming from a closer distance, then you should opt for a 4k device. This way, you will have the possibility to engage in your favorite activities while remaining close to the screen. Of course, this is a matter of preference, so we cannot say whether there is a winner or a loser in this segment.

On the other hand, if you’d much rather stay at a significant distance from the screen, then the choice seems clear to us – a 1080p device will fit your expectations.

State-of-the-art Characteristics

What about the state-of-the-art characteristics you get with 4k devices or 1080p devices? The thing is that both types of devices come with several characteristics – some are even quite similar. The technology is reliable in the case of 1080p devices, even if it might not be as outstanding as in the case of 4k units.

On the other hand, some people might find 4k characteristics to be rather confusing. To that end, if you aren’t necessarily a tech aficionado, then perhaps it would make more sense to get a 1080p type of unit, even if it might not be as outstanding as its counterpart. The thing is that you should get the device that ultimately meets your needs and not allow something you read on the Internet to dictate your purchase.

At the same time, considering that most of the content you watch on streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu or YouTube is targeted as being 1080p, then perhaps making such a sizeable investment isn’t necessarily worth it. Upscaling to 4k can be quite tough.

With that in mind, 1080p devices aren’t as outdated as you might be tempted to think, after doing some research on the Internet. Ok, it’s true that 4k items are the future, but that doesn’t make their counterparts inferior. At the end of the day, whether we are talking about a 4k or a 1080 unit, the thing that matters most is actually the product itself, not necessarily its category.


Moving on to another important consideration, as you might expect, there is quite a substantial price difference between 4k projectors and 1080p projectors. It is easy to understand why, considering the distinctions between the two categories of products.

4k projectors have experienced a drop in price over the last couple of years. Still, if you plan on purchasing one, this means that you should be willing to splurge.

In other words, even if a 4k projector might not be as expensive as it was a few years ago, if you were to compare it with a 1080p projector, you’ll have to make a noteworthy investment. On the other hand, if your budget is limited, a 1080p projector seems like the better option.

Benefits of 4k Projectors

If we were to assess the benefits linked with 4k projectors, then we would have to mention the following:

  • They offer clear images
  • Fantastic graphic detail
  • Excellent brightness
  • They have outstanding contrast

Painpoints of 4k Projectors

Conversely, here are some of the drawbacks of 4K projectors:

  • They are more expensive than their counterparts
  • You might find the viewing distance as an inconvenience because it isn’t flexible
  • The resolution isn’t everything; the contrast ratio is just as important and should be considered for the overall viewing experience.

Benefits of 1080p Projectors

  • Flexibility when it comes to viewing distance
  • They are more affordable in comparison with 4k projectors
  • The quality of the image is still decent
  • They represent a good option for gaming

Painpoints of 1080p Projectors

  • The graphic detail isn’t as outstanding
  • The overall image of the quality is lower in comparison with 4k projectors

4K vs. 1080p Projector: Which one should you choose?

Unfortunately, we cannot answer this question for you. However, we can draw some conclusions that might help you find the right answer. It all comes down to this: your preference, and how you intend to use the projector. Of course, another important consideration is the price. Make sure you decide on a budget before you embark on the quest to finding the right projector.

Now, let’s move on to the performance of the units. A 4k projector is, without a doubt, the better option out of the two. The differences in resolution are noteworthy, as well as in the overall quality of the image, the contrast, the detailing, so on and so forth. In addition to that, if you are into outstanding graphical quality and you have the budget for such a device, a 4k projector will most likely be down your alley.

To be frank, considering that 4k projectors are growing in popularity by the day, the odds are they might replace the good old 1080p projectors sooner than you might expect. Leaving that aside, a 1080p projector will also do a decent job, especially if you want to use it for gaming. This applies if you are into playing competitive games, as the viewing distance in the case of 4k projectors has to be much smaller than in the case of 1080p projectors.

So, make sure you factor in these aspects before making a purchase. Aside from this, don’t let your purchasing decision be dictated by the misconception that 1080p units are things of the past, and they are outdated. The product you choose should be the right one for you. Period.

Final Thoughts

In summary, we hope that our article presented most of the information you needed to make a sensible, worthwhile purchase. As a rule of thumb, you should analyze various options before you go for it.

Otherwise, you might end up regretting your purchase. In addition to that, make sure you factor in the following: each type of projector has an optimal viewing distance. To that end, in order to really notice significant improvements in image quality and overall performance, the distance between the projector and the viewer has to be quite small. Otherwise, all the richness we associate with 4k projectors might not be perceivable.

Hence, the optimal viewing distance is actually shorter than the distance most people take when they watch something or when they play a game. For some individuals, the viewing distance might be quite uncomfortable – especially when it comes to gaming when you need a wider angle.

On the other hand, if you are really passionate about graphic detail and image quality, then perhaps the viewing distance might be something you can live with – a compromise you are willing to take. One thing to bear in mind is that resolution isn’t everything: you should consider all the other significant features that make a good projector. Ultimately, it is your decision.